Through our compliance services, we help funds comply with both local and global regulatory requirements effectively and effortlessly. The reach of our compliance team extends to all popular jurisdictions, enabling us to provide support to our clients in any location globally where they choose to domicile their funds.

Meet Our Team
Our team of high-caliber professionals possesses a diverse range of talents, with solid experience in various areas of alternative asset servicing, including fund administration, financial technology, and corporate services.
News & Insights
Understanding Limited Partnership Agreements (LPAs) in Funds: A Comprehensive Guide
When you hear the term private equity, what comes to mind? Many envision a dynamic realm of bold investments and the excitement of high ret
Understanding Fund Economics: Management Fees, Carried Interest, and Distribution Waterfalls
The economic framework of private equity funds is characterized by several key components that shape both the fundraising process and the o
Strengthening Financial Integrity: A Guide to Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures
Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures are fundamental to the stability and security of the funds. They provide a framework for private capita